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Самые посещаемые выставки июля на Expomap: цифры и факты

Июль — сезон отпусков, но это не означает отсутствие интереса к event-индустрии. Чтобы резюмировать  итоги прошедшего месяца, мы собрали самые интересные факты о посещаемости 05 August 2022

Самые посещаемые выставки июня на Expomap: цифры и факты

Июнь в event-индустрии завершает весенний выставочный сезон. Чтобы резюмировать  итоги прошедшего месяца, мы собрали самые интересные факты о посещаемости 05 July 2022

Reporting Standards for Virtual Events

BPA Worldwide formed a working group of 15 representatives from all industry segments to address this issue and create reporting standards for digital events - Reporting Standards for Digital Events (RSDE) 25 February 2022Internet, Image & PR, Exhibition business, Customer oriented systems, Exhibition technology

Modeling COVID-19 and how it will help with event planning

As much as we all wish, COVID is not over yet. The virus enters 2022 with us. However, we have learned that masks and gloves are an effective way to prevent infection, we have vaccines and boosters, the immunity of the population is higher than ever, and new strains are developing. Our behavior is also changing, and a future where you get push notifications about illness, weather, and traffic every morning may not be far off. 21 February 2022Business analytics, Exhibition business, Customer oriented systems, Market analysis, Market research

Дайджест для профессионалов event-индустрии № 41: что пройдёт в ближайшее время?

Cориентироваться в современных трендах организации и продвижения мероприятий вам, как всегда, помогут события из нашего дайджеста для профессионалов event-индустрии. 01 February 2022

Event organizers are forced to be flexible because of countries are fighting Omicron in different ways

A real split has emerged over how different countries plan to deal with the pandemic amid a surge in Omicron cases. 29 January 2022Internet, Customer relations, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Digital marketing, Visual communication

Базовые маркетинговые стратегии для мероприятия

Неважно, как хорошо вы спланировали и организовали выставку. Не будет посетителей – вас ждет полный провал. Мероприятие, каким бы прекрасным оно ни было, не продаст себя само. Так что четкая маркетинговая стратегия и стратегия продвижения события станут решающими для успеха. 17 January 2022Advertising, Internet, Mass media, Marketing & advertising, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Newsletters, Customer loyalty, Event marketing, Digital marketing

Return on Relationship

Author and marketing strategist Ted Rubin discusses the concept of return on relationship and how exhibit managers can use social media to forge valuable new connections that will stand the test of time. 24 November 2020Social media, Customer relations, E-commerce, Image & PR, Exhibition business, Customer oriented systems, Customer loyalty, Digital marketing, Loyalty programs

VR and AR are the future of business events?

How is VR different from AR? VR technology aims to place one user in a 3D simulated environment. This is done using a VR headset. AR simulates objects in a real environment and can be viewed through a screen. For example: Pokemon Go and Google SkyMap. 22 September 2020Internet, Customer relations, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Exclusive goods, Digital marketing, Visual communication

Personal brand. Individuality becomes a brand

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos defines a personal brand as "what people say about you when you're not in the room." The plus is that you can influence these conversations - if you know exactly what you are and how to use it. Let's figure it out together. The Expomap team has selected 3 personal brand books. 21 September 2020Image & PR, Brand management, Brands

Benefits of face recognition technology for events

We rush to events only to find a long line in front of entrance. This is an unpleasant experience. And it triggers the event badly. Enhancing registration is one of the most useful applications of face recognition technology for meetings and events. 17 September 2020Customer relations, E-commerce, Exhibition business, Customer oriented systems, Market research, Exhibition technology, Sales technology, Customer loyalty, Digital marketing

People are new oil

Virtual events are a goldmine of data collection. With all the information on the internet, data is easy to collect and analyze. You can measure the performance of your event with unique visitors, views, questions, downloads, posts, and more. 16 September 2020Customer relations, Customer oriented systems, Market research, Customer loyalty, Event marketing

Marketing is a cocktail of diverse knowledge

The broader a person's horizons, the better a marketer will come out of it. To move marketing from an expense to an income, the Expomap team has prepared a list of books on marketing worth reading. 27 August 2020Marketing, Interactive marketing, Marketing & advertising, Event marketing, Digital marketing

Where can I get money for a new project?

Business finance sources take curious forms of investment. Crowdfunding is gaining popularity.Crowdfunding is an official collection of small amounts of money from anyone who individually wishes to invest in any business endeavor. 24 August 2020Marketing, Social media, E-commerce, Marketing & advertising, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Digital marketing

Have you ever thought about hosting a hybrid event?

In light of recent events, many event organizers are exploring new ways to bring people together. However, this is not uncharted territory. Many organizers have been using hybrid events for a long time. What is a hybrid event? 12 August 2020E-commerce, Image & PR, Exhibition business, Customer oriented systems, Market research, Exhibition technology, Digital marketing, Visual communication

Artificial intelligence to support events

The most useful type of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for supporting events is mobile apps. Manufacturers do not create expensive custom mobile apps for events. More often they modify existing applications for specific events. 11 August 2020Internet, Interactive marketing, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Event marketing, Mobile apps

Technology Trends for the Event Industry 2020

The value of personal communication increases, but there are times when the virtual transition is a necessary part of the event program. What trends are on the rise this year? 05 August 2020Internet, Customer relations, Market analysis, Digital marketing, Mobile apps

Дайджест выставок мебели и интерьера осени в России

Мы составили дайджест наиболее крупных выставок мебели, домашнего декора и интерьера в России. С новинками от известных дизайнеров, крупных производителей и профессиональным взглядом от авторитетных экспертов мы предлагаем вам ознакомиться на пяти осенних мероприятиях. Оставайтесь в курсе последних новинок мира интерьерной моды! 08 August 2019Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Event marketing

Digest: leading household goods foreign exhibitions in September 2019

September is filled with plenty of events, exhibitions and conferences on various topics. For household goods industry trade experts, we prepared the next world-class events list. 08 August 2019Exhibition business, Brands , Exhibition technology, Exclusive goods, Design, Souvenirs

ECEF 2019: What to Draw on from the experience, gained by American Colleagues?

ECEF exhibition business top officials’ forum: what to draw on from the experience, gained by American Colleagues? 20 June 2019Marketing, Marketing & advertising, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Corporate events

Five typical novice exhibitor misconceptions

Our story provides certain unrealistic exhibitor’s expectations who will inevitably be disappointed, but the main issue is he will definitely blame the exhibition and the organizers. 02 November 2018Marketing, Marketing & advertising, Image & PR, Event marketing, PR

Exhibitions and Market Place: the first world hybrid which implies the blockchain technologies usage

Nowadays the technologies are increasingly integrated into traditional business. Thus, the production digitalization is HANNOVER MESSE largest technology fair main theme. Besides we can see IT specialists demand active growth. What way and degree the exhibition sphere is able to integrate with the digital industry? How are bitcoin, blockchain and exhibitions connected with each other? 

25 May 2018Sales , Marketing & advertising, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology

How to regain the audience’ trust if your event failed? Step-by-step guide with Moldexpo case

The companies used to make mistakes and behave differently, like people. Some of them pretend that nothing happened and decide to wait a bit while others turn themselves in. Besides some of them used to attack the victim and accuse it while following «the best offense is a good defense» proverb

11 May 2018Marketing, Sales , Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Loyalty programs

5 questions to ask the exhibition site, which will help to avoid stepping on a rake

How do you think, whether the fraud in the event sphere is possible? Unfortunately, yes, it is possible! Besides we started to get warning letters from customers who suffered from unscrupulous event organizers’ behavior more often. The fraud scheme is simple: there is created a beautiful landing page and then the call center attracts the customers. They pay for the stand at the exhibition/ collective stand place/participation in the conference, and them the organizers disappear after a while, therefore, the event failed to take place. 04 April 2018Marketing, Marketing & advertising, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Event marketing

Will the robots control the production? Answers are available within HANNOVER MESSE 2018

The world's leading technology fair pre-show took place in its typical format - calmly, majestically and technologically. Over 300 journalists from all over the world came to Hannover in order to make a personal impression about the trends in industrial automation on February 6. The event was opened by Dr. Jochen Köckler, Deutsche Messe Board Member. Over 40 exhibiting companies representatives who were ready for an open dialogue were waiting for media after the speeches. 

28 February 2018

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