
АО "ЭКСПОЦЕНТР", ИНН 7718033809



EMO Hannover 2017: while connecting smart production systems

The metal working world has never been so much technological. The world's leading industry exhibition provided the expected premieres and breakthrough innovations within Industry 4.0 context from September 18-23. EMO Hannover continues the main Hannover Fair direction, namely the production processes digitalization in the metal processing and machine tool building field only. The most discussed topics list contains the network solutions, additive technologies, robots and automation.

20 October 2017Marketing, Exhibition business

Contextual advertising for exhibitions: Google AdWords use way by the organizers

Exhibitions promotion while using Google Adwords: which of the organizers is invested in advertisements and what is the average transition price 05 September 2017Marketing, Exhibition business, Digital marketing

The information partners choice. All that glitters is not gold.

The right information partnership: the way to choose platforms for promotion, to convince them to provide something you need as well as  the way to evaluate the effect on the event results.

20 April 2017Mass media, Business analytics, Marketing & advertising, Exhibition business

What is the way to search for exhibitions at Expomap?

Dear friends! Today we decided to inform you on the way to use our search engine. =) So, you are on the main website page ... there are several ways to start a search. Choose the one which best suits you!

16 March 2017Marketing, Image & PR, Exhibition business

We choose the right exhibitions for each business! Expomap consultants’ best practices tips

Preparation for the exhibition is rather complicated and time-consuming process the same as the house construction... You choose a place (an exhibition platform), lay the foundation (set tasks) and then build you house brick by brick. Be sure to note the house will break out if laying the foundation poorly. The same situation may happen to the exhibition. Our article provides the way to choose an event based on your goals and, ultimately, to get the desired profit. Besides we prepared a mini-manual which will help to navigate in Expomap portal

06 March 2017Marketing, Business analytics, Exhibition business

Hannover Messe 2017: industry digitalization and processes simplification

Now we switch to the industry 4.0, which implies people to work closely with machines from the industry 1.0, which implied the man was to be the only management head. Production becomes predictable and more efficient due to the work with data: collection, processing and further systematization. Such systems provide the sensors installed on each equipment which record both the production progress and deviations from the scenarios specified 02 March 2017Business analytics, Exhibition business

Where the exhibitions take their statistics from: we are familiar with the exhibition audit

All seems rather simple when a marketer or an assistant manager is provided with the task to select the exhibitions list for a specific task. In fact, we have the following issue - too many exhibitions and too little their data. How to be sure that the announced 1000 target buyers will not turn into a dull several hundred visitors once you have found the appropriate event?
  22 December 2016Business analytics, Exhibition business, Market analysis, Market research, Exhibition technology

Russian business heroes: be sure to dream, create values, act right now!

An entrepreneurial forum with «Russian Business Heroes» famous name took place in Vegas City Hall Oщn October 5-6. The main event goal was to inspire the business community to be the best in their business in any trends. «Business contrary to circumstances» - the forum organizers claim and invite 16 top Russian entrepreneurs to share their best practices and motivate the participants

17 October 2016Marketing, Business analytics, Exhibition business, Market research, Digital marketing

Events promotion: the way to measure the evaluate the platform quality

Each organizer worries about own effective advertising budget spending way. Technical capabilities and tools number grow every year in order to track and assess the audience quality, its composition s well as the event website actions. But in fact, the marketer’s work became more complicated. Big data, progromatic and perfomance-marketing. SEM, SMM, SMO, SEO. A huge channels number with the limited budget. So, how to build a transparent promotion system? Ok, we’ll discuss that. 13 April 2016Marketing, Advertising, Business analytics, Exhibition business, Market analysis, Event marketing

Communication with visitors at the stand: what do they really want?

Both exhibition, fair and forum are an effective marketing tool in order to achieve the company’s goals. However, it is impossible to fully get the maximum benefit from participation without a clear understanding of both the persons and the reason for visiting your stand. You will definitely learn whom and how much time should be given to once having realized simple guests’ categories.

01 March 2016Customer relations, Exhibition business, Market research, Exhibition technology

The best New Year congratulations

Timely congratulations are a good postcard rule. What is the way to avoid common templates and what to come up with for participants and visitors, if the discounts are over? Here are available vivid examples of the way to become unique among lots of other Christmas cards

29 December 2015Advertising, Customer relations, Image & PR, Customer oriented systems, Business gifts

Preliminary communication with the visitors: invite them to visit your exhibition stand

The visitors are aware in advance on both those stands they will carefully learn as well as the ones they will quickly look through, ss a rule. Just 15% of the guests show a general interest in all products and services categories being demonstrated, according to CEIR Exhibition Industry Research Center results. It’s required to correctly communicate with them in advance in order to influence visitors’ decision on whether to visit the stand.

11 December 2015Customer relations, Marketing & advertising, Image & PR, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Customer loyalty

Marketing for exhibitions and business events in the current realities: what to cut and what to save?

Some companies start to count all more meticulously while spending limited money on marketing while others completely refuse from advertising, and remaining oned tend to encourage everyone to barter within declining markets conditions. Probably just a few units continue to blithely spend marketing budgets without worrying about the efficiency. So, we are going to discuss the most appropriate way to do this in the current article02 December 2015Marketing, Advertising, Exhibition business, Market research, Exhibition technology, Event marketing

Business event organizer’s email marketing strategy

The way to use newsletters to properly announce exhibitions and conferences in order to attract the target audience. It is important to realize the basic rules which are appropriate in both cases whether you work with your subscriber database or order a newsletter on a third-party website.

31 July 2015Advertising, Exhibition business, Corporate events, Newsletters, Event marketing

What prevents from making decisions? (Part Two)

Difficult choice is the one which doesn’t provide better option. Each alternative has its both pros and cons. What does the average person used to do in such an event? As a rule, a person follows the least resistance path, i.e. chooses the one safer or more attractive from a pragmatic point of view.

04 July 2014

How to invite visitors to the trade show using email marketing techniques

Effective invitations distribution largely depends on the enough appropriate way you have collected email addresses as well as segmented contact details database. This is important since today people tend to both protect their personal information space and value own time as well.

24 June 2014Advertising, Internet, Marketing & advertising, Image & PR, Exhibition business, Newsletters

What prevents you from making decisions?

It may seem that it’s quite simple to make decisions since we used to do it every day, for example we decide what to eat for breakfast, who to spend the weekend with, what job to choose, etc.? Everyone has own way of choosing a behavior scenario based on own desires and preferences, weighing the pros and cons, demonstrating own principles ... But there are four mental traps which may prevent from the goal achievement.

20 June 2014

Right content is the most important

Business event content consist of the program, speakers, practical value and relevance. The audience decides whether to visit the event while evaluating the content. Whether it is worth mentioning that both exhibition or conference success depends on the ability to offer a decent content? 

10 June 2014Marketing, Image & PR, Exhibition business

Word-of-mouth marketing: the reason you will be advertised

Any company or professional success depends on recognition. Even the best products will not be bought if nobody is aware of them. So, what is the way to achieve popularity? It would seem the answer lies on the surface - your services must provide highest quality at the cheapest price. But that is neither enough, nor is required. The products will be bought if the audience (lot of people!) are sure and speak about it positively. Word-of-mouth should work for your benefit. 

30 May 2014Marketing, Marketing & advertising, Exhibition business, Event marketing

Вашингтон ДиСи — в самом сердце большой страны

Население Вашингтона едва достигает миллиона человек. Может быть, именно поэтому этот спокойный городок уже более двухсот лет носит титул столицы США? Такой чести не удостоились ни многолюдный Нью-Йорк с его неоновыми вывесками, ни футуристический Чикаго с подземными автомагистралями, ни «город ангелов» Лос-Анджелес. Официальное название Вашингтона — округ Колумбия (District of Columbia, или Washington, D.C).

23 May 2014

Как работать меньше, а успевать больше

Рабочий день проходит быстро: вроде бы все время был занят, но выполнить намеченный план не удалось. Дома та же история. Откуда берутся невыполненные дела и что делать с чувством усталости, которое постоянно дает о себе знать?

25 April 2014

Выставка как наглядная презентация

Не давайте потенциальным клиентам сравнивать экспонируемую продукцию в одиночку. Во-первых, они ищут подтверждение того, что приобретение данного продукта решит их проблему и отвечает соотношению «цена/качество». Во-вторых, часть посетителей рассматривают возможность сделки с другим поставщиком, если предложение окажется более выгодным. В-третьих, целью появления на выставке может быть мониторинг рынка в перспективе.

22 April 2014Marketing, Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Visual communication

Эти загадочные интроверты

Различия в поведении при общении с людьми объясняется просто: два основных психотипа, экстраверты и интроверты, проявляют себя по-разному. Если экстраверт с легкостью начинает разговор с незнакомым человеком, то интроверт предпочитает уединенность и молчание. Есть и третий, смешанный психотип. Амбиверты примерно в равной степени обладают качествами и тех, и других.

18 April 2014

Дубай — на перекрестке культур

Дубай стремительно набирает популярность как туристическое направление и место проведения деловых событий. Этот футуристический мегаполис в составе ОАЭ по праву считается деловым, финансовым и инвестиционным центром Ближнего Востока. Дубай удивительным образом совмещает традиционный уклад жизни арабских стран с современными достижениями Запада.

11 April 2014Exhibition business, Exhibition technology, Event marketing

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