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PulpFor 2023 - international exhibition of equipment and technologies for pulp and paper, converting, tissue and corrugated industries

PulpFor 2023 - international exhibition of equipment and technologies for pulp and paper, converting, tissue and corrugated industries

from 14 to Nov. 16, 2023

About the exhibition PulpFor 2023

PulpFor ( former PAP-FOR) is Russia's only exhibition of equipment and technologies for pulp and paper, forestry, converting, tissue and corrugated industry. Every year it becomes the primary meeting place for managers and professionals of the industry enterprises, where they can hold face-to-face negotiations with manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and services, learn about the current market situation, and choose the best offers. 

Over 130 companies from Russia, Belarus, China, Germany, Turkey and India are expected to take part in PulpFor 2023, the exposition will gather more than 4500 professional visitors, and more than 50 speakers will deliver speeches during the 8 sessions of the forum.

Visiting the exhibition, you will:

  • find turnkey solutions for production modernization;
  • get competitive offers from reliable suppliers;
  • discuss pending issues with leading industry experts and find solutions;
  • meet colleagues and get acquainted with pulp and paper professionals.

Visiting the exhibition is free, subject to pre-registration.



  PulpFor 2023 - международная выставка оборудования и технологий для целлюлозно-бумажной, лесоперерабатывающей, упаковочной промышленности и отрасли санитарно-гигиенических видов бумаг  

Do you supply equipment, solutions and consumables for the pulp and paper industry? Having a booth at PulpFor 2023 is a great opportunity to find new partners, fill vacant niches and fit into new supply chains. Extensive geography of visitors, high concentration of relevant experts on the exhibition venue and the opportunity to present your equipment in action will effectively solve your business challenges.




Business Program

The PulpFor 2023 Forum will traditionally become a venue for industry professionals to improve their skills and offer an opportunity to discuss urgent industry issues and share experiences with colleagues. In 2023, it will discuss various technical, technological and management solutions for the industry. Some of the issues proposed for discussion include:

  • Government and business: joint solutions for pulp and converting industries;
  • Priorities of the industry retooling;
  • Import substitution in full play. Russian chemistry for the pulp and paper industry;
  • Investments in personnel development - the key to performance improvement
  • Foreign Economic Activity and Supply Optimization.

The detailed agenda will be available on the exhibition website before the start of the exhibition. Stay tuned!

Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Equipment for pulp, paper and cardboard production
Packaging and AFHT equipment
Measurement, Control, MES
Laboratory Equipment
Equipment for gas and dust emissions treatment, water and wastewater treatment
Equipment for waste disposal and recycling
Equipment for wood converting
Opening hours:
Daily 10:00 to 18:00
Last day 10:00 to 17:00
ООО ЭкспоВижнРус
ООО "ЭВР", ИНН 9723147114, erid:LdtCKeEb3


Через неделю в Санкт-Петербурге откроется международная выставка PulpForExpo 2023

Участники продемонстрируют решения и возможности для организации бесперебойных поставок продукции, сервисного и гарантийного обслуживания оборудования, обеспечения технологической независимости российских целлюлозно-бумажных предприятий. 

08 November 2023PulpFor 2023
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