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Weldex 2020 - international Specialized Exhibition for Welding Materials, Equipment and Technologies

Weldex 2020 - international Specialized Exhibition for Welding Materials, Equipment and Technologies

from 13 to Oct. 27, 2020
Online, Online-event

About the exhibition Weldex 2020

Weldex 2020 is the largest international exhibition of welding materials, equipment and technology in Russia. The exhibition is a key international event that promotes Russian and foreign manufacturers of welding equipment and materials.

The international status of Weldex is confirmed by the World Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) and the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF). In 2019, the total exhibition area exceeded 8,500 square meters.

What is the benefit of participating in Weldex 2020?

190 companies from 14 countries took part in the Weldex 2019 conference. These are Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers, and among exhibited products are:

  • equipment and materials for welding;
  • industrial robots;
  • metal cutting equipment;
  • equipment for protective and hardening coatings;
  • equipment for quality control of welded joints;
  • tools and fixtures for welding;
  • personal and collective protective equipment;
  • edge processing equipment.

If you produce the appropriate equipment, components or accessories (or if you are interested in buying any of such products), it makes sense to visit the event. A major industry exhibition like Weldex 2020 can become a profitable tool for your business due to the wide opportunities for dialogue, acquisition and strengthening of contacts.

We brought to this exhibition all the equipment, the entire line that we produce, from simple machines for manual arc welding to complexes for cutting and automatic welding of large diameter pipes. At the exhibition you can meet customers and colleagues. Weldex is the main Russian welding exhibition. We choose Weldex.

— Oleg Getzkin, CEO of Technotron





Weldex 2020 participants will present innovative technologies, equipment and materials in action, the usage of which can improve quality and productivity and also reduce costs. That is why the exhibition, with its business program, attracts industry experts who are choosing equipment, materials and technologies for high-quality welding, and are interested in relevant and complete information on product offers of key participants in the international market. Global brands not only exhibit new equipment and materials, but also conduct training workshops specifically for Weldex. In 2019, over 4 days of work, 6,080 specialists from 23 countries and 70 regions of Russia visited the trade fair. 

Business Program

The rich business program of Weldex 2019 brought together more than 60 experts from the welding industry at one venue. Over the three days of the exhibition, about 500 specialists attended the business program events. The key focus was aluminum welding.

The 2020 program is under development and will be published on the official website closer to the beginning of the event. Stay tuned!




Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Equipment and technologies for electric arc welding of metals
Equipment and technologies for plasma
Laser and gas-flame welding
Equipment and technologies for resistant welding
Equipment and technologies for plastic welding
Equipment and technologies of welding materials manufacture
Equipment and technologies for soldering
Equipment for thermal processing of materials and welded structures
Materials for welding
Soldering (electrodes
Protection facilities (uniform
Ventilation systems
Welding tools and facilities
Electronic element base and components for welding equipment manufacture
Staff education and advanced training
Opening hours:
10am - 6pm, last day 10am - 4pm
Hyve Group
visit the exhibition website