
АО "ЭКСПОЦЕНТР", ИНН 7718033809


Beach vacation Trade Show News on

Sector Travel Technology - a novelty of the largest tourist exhibition of Eastern Europe MITT 2020

The new sector of the MITT 2020 exhibition should demonstrate the latest Internet technology tools for the tourism business. You are invited to familiarize yourself with them, as well as establish useful contacts from March 17 to 19 at Crocus Expo. 18 November 2019MITT 2020

Leaders of travel industry in Russia and abroad will meet at Inwetex - CIS Travel Market 2019

The international tourism exhibition Inwetex - CIS Travel Market 2019 invites representatives of the tourism industry of Russia and foreign countries to St. Petersburg from September 12 to 13. 05 September 2019Inwetex-CIS Travel Market 2019

Present their offer and discuss the development of the tourism industry will be able to tour operators at the fair Otdykh Leisure 2019

Explore opportunities to communicate with experts and choose the appropriate option to upcoming holiday season you can on the court Otdykh Leisure 2019 exhibition to be held from 10 to 12 September at the Expocenter. 06 August 2019Отдых Leisure 2019

Туристический рынок 239 стран и регионов на MITT 2019. Интервью директора выставки Артёма Чернышова

Самая крупная в России Московская международная туристическая выставка MITT 2019 пройдет с 12 по 14 марта в Москве.

13 February 2019MITT 2019

Россия представила национальный стенд на выставке туризма Kotfa 2016

Выставку посетило свыше 95 тысяч человек, а участие приняли 482 компании из 30 стран

17 June 2016KOTFA 2016

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