
АО "ЭКСПОЦЕНТР", ИНН 7718033809


Sports and wellness tourism Trade Show News on

The development of the export potential of healthcare in the Russian Federation will be discussed at the National Congress on the Export of Medical Services in the framework of the MedTravelExpo 2019 exhibition

As part of the business program of the international exhibition MedTravelExpo 2019, which will be held at the Expocenter from October 2 to 5, the National Congress on the Export of Medical Services will be held. 25 October 2019MedTravelExpo 2019

Впервые в рамках международной выставки MedTravelExpo 2019 пройдет международный Medical Tourism Workshop

New event Medical Tourism Workshop aimed at developing treatment and rehabilitation in Russia. It will be held as part of the MedTravelExpo 2019 from December 3 to 4 at the Expocenter. 06 September 2019MedTravelExpo 2019

Present their offer and discuss the development of the tourism industry will be able to tour operators at the fair Otdykh Leisure 2019

Explore opportunities to communicate with experts and choose the appropriate option to upcoming holiday season you can on the court Otdykh Leisure 2019 exhibition to be held from 10 to 12 September at the Expocenter. 06 August 2019Отдых Leisure 2019

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