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Kitchen Trade Show News on

Forum RusMebel — the main event in the framework of the exhibition Mebel 2019

«Efficiency in modern conditions» is a key topic of the RusMebel furniture, upholstery and upholstery manufacturers forum, which will be held as part of the Furniture 2019 exhibition from November 18 to 21 at the Expocenter Fairgrounds. 15 November 2019Мебель 2019

International exhibition for home and kitchen products Zuchex 2019 starts today

Opening its doors for its 30th edition from 12 — 15th of September, Zuchex International Home & Kitchenwares Fair is the largest and longest-established gathering of the Turkish Home and Kitchenwares industry worth $10 billion. 12 September 2019Zuchex 2019

New dates for the gifts and household products exhibition Tendence 2020

Just a few weeks after Tendence 2019, preparations for the next edition of the trade fair have already started. However, adjustments have been made concerning the number of days and the dates of Tendence 2020. 11 September 2019Tendence 2020

Why a trip to Maison&Objet 2019 should top September to-do list of design industry professionals

International exhibition for design industry Maison&Objet Paris will take place from September 6 to 10, 2019 in France. The upcoming edition of the exhibition is the perfect opportunity for industry professionals to explore new concepts, make new contacts and discover thousands of brands. 22 August 2019Maison & Objet Paris (M&O) September 2019

Kitchen as the area for communication at the exhibition LivingKitchen 2021 for kitchen industry in Germany

In 2021, LivingKitchen will open its doors again from January 18 to 24 in Koelnmesse, Germany and will bring together the most important national and international companies working in the kitchen industry. 09 August 2019LivingKitchen 2021

At the Furniture 2019 exhibition a new special project will be demonstrated

On November 18-22, Expocentre will host an exhibition of furniture, fittings and upholstery materials Furniture 2019. 16 July 2019Мебель 2019

Передовые концепции интерьера представили на I Saloni WorldWide Moscow 2016

300 производителей мебели и предметов интерьера демонстрируют последние новинки Миланского мебельного салона

14 October 2016I Saloni WorldWide Moscow 2016

На выставке InDecor Moscow представят дизайнерские предметы интерьера

До открытия стильной интерьерной выставки InDecor Moscow 2016 остаются считанные дни!

30 September 2016Indecor Moscow 2016

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