
ООО "БИЗНЕС ИВЕНТ", ИНН 7709889632


Espace Double Mixte Villeurbanne

19, Avenue Gaston Berger, 69625 LYON - VILLEURBANNE Cedex


  • Bank / ATMs / currency exchange
    • Parking

    Contact details

    19, Avenue Gaston Berger, 69625 LYON - VILLEURBANNE Cedex
    • +47 2446017 (phone number)
    • +47 2446019 (fax)

    Exhibition centers nearby

    • Congress and Exhibition Center
      France, Lyon, Avenue Louis Bleriot - BP 190, 69686 Chassieu Cedex - France
    • Congress and Exhibition Center
      France, Lyon, 20, place des Docteurs Charles et Christophe Merieux 69363 Lyon Cedex 07
    • Congress and Exhibition Center
      France, Lyon, La Sucriere, Quai Rambaud, 69002 Lyon - France

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