The world’s largest project cargo and breakbulk event

Meet the world at Breakbulk Europe for new project cargo business

We're counting down the days until 13-15 May 2025 where we'll once again be uniting the project cargo and breakbulk industry.

Bringing together over 11,000 attendees, Breakbulk Europe provides the ultimate networking platform to grow your connections, generate new business and strengthen key existing relationships. Join the industry decision makers in Rotterdam to drive the connections and innovation that support the completion of global projects.

2024 highlights


We’ve been attending the exhibition for more than 15 years now, and it’s the way to meet our existing customers and getting to know other people who we might not be doing business with currently, but maybe in the future. The exhibition this year for us has been quite successful I must say – very busy, a lot of attendance and very interesting contacts. So, we are ready to come next year.
Beatriz Alvarado sales and chartering director, Kaleido Logistics
An event like Breakbulk Europe holds immense value as it provides us with a unique opportunity to not only connect with our existing clients but also forge relationships with new customers. Simultaneously, it serves as a platform for reconnecting with colleagues from various branches and countries, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Wendy van Beirendonck business development manager, Wijngaard Natie
There are a multitude of compelling reasons why we attend Breakbulk Europe. Foremost, it provides an exceptional platform for fostering meaningful customer and stakeholder engagement. Breakbulk Europe facilitates productive interactions, enabling us to connect with clients and stakeholders on a deeper level, building stronger relationships. Moreover, it offers unique and valuable special events, such as the Women in Breakbulk breakfast.
Amanda Bouin global senior director of energy, Geodis
Hailing from Romania, we are thrilled to showcase our newly developed project cargo terminal at Breakbulk Europe. This event serves as the perfect platform to connect with both existing and potential customers, allowing us to share the exciting developments taking place in our country. Our new terminal represents a significant milestone, and Breakbulk Europe provides an invaluable opportunity to highlight its features and benefits to a diverse audience.
Violeta Frangu customer service representative, DP World



Join us in Houston October 15-17 2024 at the largest event for the breakbulk & project cargo market in the Americas.

Visit Breakbulk Americas



Join us in Dubai on 10-11 February 2025 at the region's project cargo and breakbulk event.

Visit Breakbulk Middle East

Join the World in Rotterdam