The Mediterranean Exchange for Archaeological Tourism is home to the only exhibition hall of its kind in the world and ArcheoVirtual, the innovative international exhibition of multimedia, interactive and virtual technologies, as well as business opportunities for supply operators in the Workshop with foreign buyers selected by ENIT.

The objective of the initiative is to enhance Archaeological Parks and Museums, promote archaeological tourist destinations, encourage marketing, contribute to deseasonalization and increase economic opportunities and effects employment.

The event is promoted by the Campania Region, the City of Capaccio Paestum and the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia , is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, by the Ministry of Tourism, from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, from Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, from Anci and is recognized as a best practice of intercultural dialogue by the international governmental organizations of culture and tourism of the UN, UNESCO e UN Tourism.

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Bouchenaki 1

The declaration of the Honorary President of BMTA Mounir Bouchenaki, Algerian archaeologist, Director General of Culture at UNESCO from 2000 to 2006

Cultural heritage is of particular importance as a factor of intercultural dialogue, social integration and economic development and the Stock Exchange, recognized as an international best practice by UNESCO and UN Tourism, promotes cooperation between peoples through participation and the exchange of experiences: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, France, Algeria, Greece, Libya, Peru, Portugal, Cambodia, Turkey, Armenia, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, India have been the numerous Guest Countries over the years.










Foreign countries



16 unique events in the world all in one event

The BMTA confirms itself as an opportunity for meeting, studying and disseminating topics relating to the fruition, management and valorisation of the archaeological heritage and the promotion of the archaeological segment of cultural tourismfor professional business, public and private tourist and cultural operators, travellers, the school and university world, the media.

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International Archaeological Discovery Award “Khaled al-Asaad”

The Award named after Khaled al-Asaad, the archaeologist former Director of the Palmyra site, who paid with his life for the defense of cultural heritage.

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“Virtual Archeology Exhibition”

Alongside the exhibition the organization of a thematic workshop on the evolution of digital applications in the Cultural Heritage sector, on the related professionalism and on the forms and techniques of narration of the Past.

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International Underwater Archeology Award
“Sebastiano Tusa”

To honor the memory of the great archaeologist, the scholar, the friend of the BMTA, but above all of the man from the South, who lived his life in the service of institutions to contribute to local development and the protection of Mare Nostrum.

with the patronage of

con il sostegno di 1536x200 1

in collaboration with

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Archeo 05

Archeo, Main Media Partner

Cover of the May 2024 issue