


Via Expo


Event Management

3, Anton Chehov sq.

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Дополнительная информация
О компании:

Via Expo is an organizer of high-level specialized international exhibitions and conferences in key industry fields. They facilitate and accelerate the entering of new products and technologies into the South-East European market by linking it with international know-how. Attention to detail, comprehensive promotion, young and creative team - all these bring participants and visitors the desired result - more valued contacts, more new clients, more fresh market ideas.

We work in the following sectors: energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste management, recycling, ecology, bio & eco products, gifts, packaging and food. Our 20 years valuable experience allows us to develop constantly new concepts and keep pace with latest trends and developments.

Via Expo is the first event organizer in Bulgaria which in 1994 began to make computer visitor registration and statistics of visitor profile. We cooperate closely with a great number of prestigious media, industry chambers, branch associations, trade and commercial sections and fair organizers from Europe, Asia and North America.

As additional services we offer:

Matchmaking meetings organizing
Stand construction
Furniture rental
Various advertising opportunities



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