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ConferencesUnited KingdomLondonWestminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar - The future of the qualifications and assessment system: A-Level reform and university entrance 2010

Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar - The future of the qualifications and assessment system: A-Level reform and university entrance 2010 - образовательный форум

Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar - The future of the qualifications and assessment system: A-Level reform and university entrance 2010 - образовательный форум

Dec. 2, 2010
United Kingdom, London

About the conference Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar - The future of the qualifications and assessment system: A-Level reform and university entrance 2010

Конференция Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar - The future of the qualifications and assessment system: A-Level reform and university entrance 2010 проходит Dec. 2, 2010 в городе London, United Kingdom. Посмотреть, как проехать в место проведения конференции, можно на сайте конгрессной площадки. Деловая программа Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar - The future of the qualifications and assessment system: A-Level reform and university entrance 2010 разбита на секции по дням и размещается на сайте мероприятия с подробным списком докладчиков конференции. Спикеров конференции Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar - The future of the qualifications and assessment system: A-Level reform and university entrance 2010 обычно окончательно утверждают за 1-2 месяца до начала конференции.

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Planned to be there Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar - The future of the qualifications and assessment system: A-Level reform and university entrance 2010

    No one has checked in at the event so far.

    I am goinging to visit