
ООО "САЙТСИНГ", ИНН 7715783088


Exhibit at MIPIM 2016

Increase your exhibition participation efficiency MIPIM 2016 как минимум на 50%

  • We'll help to convert stand visitors into customers
  • We'll prevent you from wasting money
  • We'll calculate the return and show the results in figures
  • We will start to attract the customers for you even before the exhibition gets started
  • We are aware of the organization process features

Venue info

Your contact details

Please provide the basic information about your goals and purposes in your request, and we will analyze whether the exhibition MIPIM 2016 meets your requirements. Next, we will contact the organizers to clarify if there are available areas and prices, and then, we'll create participation concept with you.

Customer feedback:

Volokova Elizaveta
I want to thank the Expomap marketing team for organizing our participation in the TransRussia exhibition. It was something new for us, and due to their experience, we have avoided a lot of issues and resolved all of the arising questions rapidly. When it comes to the results of the participation in the exposition,we've collected more than 300 business contacts and inquiries within four days, part of which seemed really promising. We did it together with Expomap and want to say thanks for their ideas, deep dive into our tasks, their creative approach and clear help in realization! We will be glad to work with you on other our projects!
Anatolios Spyrlidis
In January 2014, we participated with our stand in the Boot Duesseldorf trade fair in Germany. We want to thank the staff of Expomap, also the personal consultant Ruslan Shapilov for his promptness. We are satisfied with the quality of their service!

    Leave a feedback or suggestions for improvement.

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